Thursday, 26 November 2020

Intermediate Visit Blog Post

 Wow! Intermediate visit was the BEST! The beginning was boring but it went from boring to fun REAL QUICK!

We gathered in the principal started calling people's letters on their hands. The 1st group went to fill out the form, while the others listened to the principal. Next we filled out the forms. When we went to get fizzy and ice blocks I realized I forgot my hat in the classroom. 

We had lunch and had a bit of a play. Their bell sounded like a fire alarm! I was still eating my PB sandwich while the other kids had a play. We started playing with the Tabloids equipment, but lunch ended and we changed into out togs. 

We got into our lines. We walked over to the fire brigade, when suddenly it started spraying water. Everyone went crazy and started running through the water. The pressure wasn't as bad as I thought, but it still hurt. The water was also extremely cold, so I was freezing. 

We rotated through the stations, but we missed out on the water slide because the weather was not very good and everyone was cold. After what seemed forever, we finally got onto the bus. The visit was AMAZING!

We also learned about Fibonacci Sequence! Click here for the Digital Learning Object about it:

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Kapa Haka.


Kapa Haka was crazy! After what seemed forever the bus arrived. On the bus I was slowly going insane. Everyone kept singing Kapa Haka songs. We sat on the wet grass and warmed up for our performance. Suddenly, Koka Rozie said that the 2nd row of boys can't wear shorts. I was confused because we saw a email saying, "1st and 2nd row black undies." But at the dress rehearsal the next day they said 1st row black undies and 2nd row black shorts with skirts. But fortunately I brought back-up black undies. 

We were close to our performance now. My feet hurt as I walked across the hard rocks to the stage. We sat on the cold concrete for a while. Sitting on concrete on a cold day is not a good idea. It makes you feel like a icicle. The loud noises of the entire Moana Syndicate climbing metal steps is not a lovely sound. I felt nervous standing in front of all those people. The performance began.

Bundled up in a huge group made our voices loud. We sang E Te Ariki. The noise of clapping travelled through our ears when the song ended. We sang Utaina loud and strong, when we got back into our positions. The boys started moving forward. A couple of songs later we were at the Haka. 

"TARINGA WHAKARONGO. TITIRO MAI KI AU!" Yelled the leader fiercely. Loud slaps against our arms filled the stage. Again, like every other song or Haka, once we finished it there was lots of clapping. Now it was time for the last Haka, Ka Mate. 

"TARINGA WHAKARONGO, KIA RITE KIA RITE, KIA MO! " Yelled the leader. After the rest of the performance. We left the stage and sat down. After what seemed forever, The Moana, Nui, and Wai Syndicate performed together. The loud singing filled the entire hall. We met outside again and rode the bus to school with red marks on our, chests, arms, and legs.

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

Week 4 Term 4 Blog post

 Man the beginning of this week was CRAZY! 

On Monday we had writing samples until Morning Tea. After Morning Tea we had speech finals until lunchtime. The winners were: Klara (Y5) and Naia (Y6). The people that went to the finals were: Ben and Zofia (Y6), Klara, Charlotte M(Y5) in R2. In Room 3 was: Mako and Naia (Y6) and Rio (Y5).

On Tuesday we went to school photos! We're also starting PBL next week. I also found out that my score for my writing sample was 31! And we also had learning through play! On Wednesday they told us that the chess tournament will be next week on Wednesday! We need an adult and transport and permission to go! I'm really excited about the chess!

Craft Fair is next week as well! This term is going by so fast! We also got Maths-Whizz extended for 1 more week! We're also making new calendar art! This is my progress so far!