Thursday, 24 September 2020

Final week of PBL in Term 3

 Wow... the time flies by so fast! It's the final week of PBL in Term 3! We finally made some progress this week. Monday was cross country so we didn't do it then. On Tuesday we finally started! Because Angus kept forgetting pine cones, Koka Ngaire suggested that we use fronds! We went to the medicinal garden, dipped the fronds in the peanut butter and started hanging them. Mako climbed up the tree and we hanged about 4-6. There was still lots left but we decided to go back to class.

The next day we were busy for a bit and then after morning tea, we did Kapa Haka then we went to go hang the rest of the bird feeders. We didn't do as much but we still did lots. But we made too many bird feeders and we still have lots sitting in the box with the bird seeds, the string, and the peanut butter! Koka Ngaire also took pictures of our bird feeders so I will share them at the end of my blog post!

At the end of the day we didn't manage to finish everything but we did start on our reflection.

Thursday, 17 September 2020

Going to Pihitia Station!

On the bus on the way to Pihitia Station I watched Tay do the Weekly Round-up video. Once we arrived at Pihitia Station it IMMEDIATELY smelled bad but I got used to it. They split us into groups and off we went. The 1st station I went to was the butchering station. Louie stepped away from the station since he was vegetarian. They showed us where the lamb chops came from and they also told us that we can make sausages with a certain part.

Fast forward a bit (Other stations were pretty boring) and were at cattle station. We weighed them to see if they were big enough to go to the processing plant. Sheep over 55kg go to the processing plant. Others don't. After that we went to go see the sheep and Angus's mom whistled commands to the dogs and they chased the sheep around. Then we went back and Angus's dad showed us a drone and also chased some sheep.

Then we went to go watch them shear some sheep. I got to drag the sheep out when we arrived and I was also in the newspaper a day later. Then after they sheared the sheep they explained facts about wool and ect. Then it was morning tea and we ate our food. Then it was the last station.
This station was the pest station.   

They showed us some native birds and traps. There was this LOUD trap the literally almost popped your eardrums! Then he played some bird sounds and we had to guess. But he kept on showing the phone without knowing so some people looked! Once we left we ate the rest of our food and left.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

PBL Week 3!

 Near the end of the term! This week we are making sure that we have the materials and we are answering questions Koka Nolians asked us! I will now share links and screenshots of our work! 

Our FlipGrid(Code is 9999c405)

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

PBL Week 2!

 Week 2 of PBL! We completed our script and practiced. We completed our "We Need Poster" and were also doing pretty good. We still have Maths-Whizz and all that stuff. This Thursday is Koka Terri's last day. Were having a shared lunch and I'm making milk tarts. Teacher only day on Friday.  I will now share screenshots and link script. 

Our script

Our group slides