Wednesday, 24 June 2020


This week we have been making letters and menus! It’s really exciting! We made a disgusting menu
and a normal menu. We also made a letter to tell Koka Nolian (The principal) what type of teacher
we want in the class when Koka Terri leaves. We also made another letter to say why we want to go
on holiday early! Here are the two slides! Normal menu: Click here  Disgusting menu: Click here

Room 6 also came in on 12:30 Tuesday and also Wednesday. We still do Just Dance and we also
learned 2 new songs! We also started writing workshops this week. Wednesday Koka Jo was in our
class for the whole day and we had to go to just dance after singing which is at 2:00 but we couldn’t
because other people were busy in our hall.

We're also going to get our reports next week! Really excited for next week because we're flying to
Auckland on Friday and because we’re also going home early next week. We’ve also been playing
with our new lego Ivy bought because she won the drainwise competition!

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Week 10 blog post

So for week 10 we've been doing workshops, e-ako, steps and our priorities. Our quick writes this week is vocabulary. There is a picture of a robot and we had to make nouns and verbs about it and put it in a word box. Here's and example. Robo could dig the garden with the spade. 

We also have to make a Get Well Soon card to Flynn because he got hit by a car. When I got into class on Monday I saw new things. I was away Thursday and Friday last week. We're still doing Just Dance.
We're also doing bubbles on Wednesday. Our team already submitted our bubble mixture ingredients and we're making a giant, strong and coloured bubble. 

I'm excited for end of term which is in 2 weeks! We're planning on using a hula hoop as our bubble wand. That's how big our bubble is! Our teacher showed us this video and this guy was making bubbles that were so BIG! Now it makes our hula hoop look small. But you could even FIT in the bubble. That's how big it is There is also some sad news. Someone in Gisint (Gisborne Intermediate) died. Anyways I hope you liked my week 10 blog post!

Monday, 8 June 2020

Getting active and burning lockdown weight in Just Dance- Week 9 blog post

When we moved to level 2, we went back to school and started doing this thing called Just Dance. It’s a game
(we watch it on YouTube) where you dance. The first ever song I did on there at school was Waka Waka. Just
Dance is also good for fitness. So be sure to do it each day.

Just Dance is fun to do and all of you that were in lockdown probably ate a lot and Just Dance is good for
exercise. So for every chocolate you eat, it equals 10 minutes on Just Dance, so my brother would be doing
1000 minutes on Just Dance each day if he was doing Just Dance. The most difficult song I know is Ra Ra
Rasputin. Just Dance is also a good excuse to miss out on school work. That's why I love doing Just Dance in

Anyway Just Dance is really fun and fills me with joy. My favorite song in Just Dance is Waka Waka. Just
Dance also makes me laugh sometimes. The moves in some of the songs are really hard. I feel really happy
when I do Just Dance. You should also do Just Dance because Just Dance… IS REALLY FUN!. And that is my
thoughts about Just Dance.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

A long holiday

25th March at 8:00 Wednesday was the day we started lockdown learning. It felt good to sleep in late
and work at home!  I did my priorities my teachers gave me until 9:55 and waited for the google meet
to start. The google meet started and the teachers told us what to do. The topic for this week was
Anzac day. There were discovery activities and hands on activities. In each one there were ten
tasks and you had to complete at least 5.

I finished 1 discovery activity and 1 hands on activity and so on. We also made Anzac biscuits
which are fascinating and they only lasted 2 days, so we made more and this time they only lasted 1
day. The week went so fast that before I could believe it, it was already week 2! Lockdown learning is
fun because the tasks were easy to complete but we didn’t have lots of resources because of Covid-
19 and my mom thought that it was simple. WE had to stay in lockdown for SO LONG because of
Covid-19! (It was actually fun at home so I wanted to stay at home when lockdown ended but I

The 2nd week was animal kingdom and you had 4 choices. These were the choices: African Big 4,
Reptile, Sharks and Big cats. I chose African Big 4 because I come from South Africa. We got a
choice to make a flipbook digitally or on paper and I chose digitally. It took me half an hour. The 2nd
activity I did was Mystery Animal. Mystery animal is where you had to ask the animal a question so
that you could guess which animal it was. My highest score was 3 guesses, the questions went like
this. “Do you have fur?” I asked. The animal said yes
. “Can you be kept as a pet?” It said yes, then I asked, “Are you a dog?” Then it said yes and I won. 

Before I knew it, it was the last week and it was Story time. Story time wasn’t as fun as all the weeks
and the best priority you could do was a digital breakout. The lockdown learning, or as I call it, the
long holiday was really fun, but my brother got sick on Thursday when we went to get wood but he
got sick so he ended up infecting me on Monday and I had to stay at home on Tuesday till the next
week. Anyways I was so used to being at home I almost forgot to go to school, but I got ready in
time. To be honest, I didn’t really want to go back to school. But my mom and dad said I had to go to
school. Lockdown learning was really fun and I’d rather do lockdown learning than normal school.